This page is a repository for workshops or lectures that I have given on the subject of data visualization (with an emphasis on health applications).


PopData BC Webinar

Webinar Overview

Date: January 16th and January 17th 2018

Context: Data visualization is a powerful medium for communication and a valuable partner in exploratory data analysis and statistical modeling. Over the course of two webinars, each an hour in length, you will be given a high-level introduction of how to connect data to different potential visualization designs and how to critically evaluate the resulting data visualizations. You will also be provided with practical examples of tools that you can use to visualize your own data. Overall, the goal of the webinar is to orient participants with the best practices from data visualization research and with various data visualization software tools.

The complete webinar pitch is also available online

Audience: Participants were mainly from public health professions, with varying fluency in statistics (epidemiology specifically) and policy making and planning. Prior knowledge of data visualization, R, or Tableau was not expected.

Webinar Materials

Materials for Day One

The goal of day one was to give a high-level understanding of data visualization design and evaluation by distilling methodology from Information Visualization research.

Materials for Day Two

The goal of the second day was provide a basic understanding of different data visualizations tools as well as their strengths and limitations. I also specifically focused on two tools, Tableau and Shiny (R), to demonstrate the difference between a tool (Tableau) and a charting library (R).

The content of the slides from the second day is taken from online content generated by others. Specifically:

To provide a landscape of data visualization tools, I used a lot of materials from Lisa Charlotte Rost excellent article “Making the same data visualization with 24 different tools”. For talking about shiny, I used content from the Shiny quick start guide, which is also a training video on the RStudio website.

For the R and Tableau demonstrations I used the gapminder dataset (available as an R package), with some slight modifications.

  • Day two webinar slides are [here] and a recording is available

  • The gapminder dataset I used is available for download as a csv [here]

  • The Tableau workbook is available [here]

  • The Shiny code for this tutorial is [here] and is deployed as a Shiny app [here]

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Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop

Date: July 10th 2018; May 3rd 2017

A workshop hosted and organized by the Canadian Bioinformatics Workshops. I teach the data visualization module for the Infectious Disease Genomic Epidemiology workshop.

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